The Co-op Blog!


The Co-op is exceedingly proud of our locally manufactured, environmentally sound grocery bags. For more than three years, CNFC has been ensuring that our shoppers have access to sturdy, reusable bags every time they shop, and you have taken full advantage of our bags’ capabilities! So many sticker-covered bags come through the Co-op, demonstrating with each trip to the store how dedicated our shoppers are to the first two “Rs”—reducing and reusing. But you might be wondering why the Chico Natural Foods Cooperative, one of the most sustainable businesses in town, is so excited about plastic bags. Let’s take a look:

The Co-op’s plastic bags are reusable

We’re not handing out thin, flimsy, single-use plastic bags. The Co-op’s bags are heavy-duty and designed to be used at least 100 times before having to be recycled. We’ve seen the truth of this countless times over the last three years; many of our owners have used the same bag one hundred times in a row, received a Chicobag as a prize, and kept on using the same bag. Start keeping track of how many trips you can get out of a bag, and see for yourself!

Did you know about the bag prize?

We’re serious about 100 uses. Every plastic Co-op grocery bag has 100 spaces on it. When you bring your bag back, be sure to remind your cashier to put a sticker on one of those spaces. Once all 100 are filled up, you’ll have earned a free Chicobag with our retro Co-op sign on it!

The Co-op’s bags are manufactured in Butte County

Roplast Industries makes the Co-op’s reusable plastic bags. Roplast is based out of Oroville, right here in Butte County! They have been in business since 1990, and currently have over 140 employees. The Co-op prioritizes supporting local businesses and local workers whenever possible, and we are thrilled to purchase from a Butte County manufacturer.

The Roplast bags are 100% recyclable

Another advantage of working with a local, environmentally conscious manufacturer is that we can be sure that our bags are being recycled. We store degraded and discarded bags, and regularly ship them back to Roplast. The bags are 100% recyclable, and by returning them directly to Roplast, we ensure that they are being properly recycled by the facility best equipped to handle them.

The Co-op is always working to provide you with the most sustainable, ethical choices in all things. Our reusable, locally manufactured Roplast bags are the best, most cost-effective option available. Don’t be afraid to ask for a bag, and be proud of every re-use sticker you get!